
Say No to Plastic Bottles!

Sure, you've always thought that plastic bottles were a good choice. They can be recycled after all. But, sadly a whopping 8 out of 10 bottles are never recycled. And, you don't even want to take in all of the fossil fuels which are burned transporting bottles. This is a major reason why environmentalists are campaigning against the use of single-use plastic water bottles. Each year more than 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to create water bottles in the United States. That's a lot...enough energy to fuel 100,000 cars!The mayor of San Francisco banned disposable water bottles in municipal offices last month. Nalgene, a company that makes reusable polycarbonate bottles, started a campaign called "Refill Not Landfill," trying to convince people to go without water bottles. You don't have to give up bottles completely, however. A green friendly solution to the plastic bottle is to purchase a reusable bottle and refill with tap water (get a filter!).

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Green Jobs are Growing

An article on Newsweek.com says that environmental job market is as strong as ever. According to recent Department of Labor numbers, among the fastest growing professions are environmental engineers, hydrologists, environmental-health scientists, and urban and regional planners. As employers are becoming more aware of green issues, they are hiring people who can implement greener practices for them. This news is great for recent graduates who may have grown up being passionate about the environment.
According to the article, some green jobs are growing at double digit rates, especially in consulting. Fortunately, for those interested in snagging a green job, having a college major in an environmental science is not necessary to get a green job. Passion is what counts, but people from all kinds of backgrounds and disciplines are needed to help save the earth. Green living does work and can pay your bills!


A Green Beef with Beef!

This is bound to upset a lot of meat eaters! Apparently, one kilogram of beef (2.2 pounds) creates more greenhouse gas emissions and pollution than three hours of driving, while leaving ALL of the lights on at home. The New Scientist magazine reports that a Japanese study concluded that producing a kilogram of beef produces the equivalent of 36.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas.
Most of the greenhouse gas emissions are coming from the cattle's digestive systems in the form of methane. Acid and fertilizing substances are found in their waste. Experts recommend that cattle methane emissions can be reduced with better waste management and shortening calving intervals. But, of course, the top solution by many green activists and vegetarians is to simply stop eating meat. It's easier said than done for many, but trying to reduce one's meat intake is worth it for the environment.


"Green" Gardening

It's summertime, folks! It's the perfect time for enjoying the outdoors and perhaps doing plenty of gardening. But, even though your garden may technically be green in color, it may not be "green" in the sense of being a low-impact garden. Here are some tips from Greenpeace to making your garden really "green":

  1. Get solar-powered lawn equipment. Or, consider the old school, "Flintstones"-styled mower.
  2. Try to use rain water to water your garden. Wait for it to rain or store rain water. Water your garden early in the morning or at night when there will be less evaporation from the hot sun.
  3. Plant flower and plant species that are native to your area. They will require less water and care than non-native species.
  4. Use organic soil, mulch, and compost. Your garden will be healthier.
  5. Try natural pest control solutions. For example, many species of insects are repelled by garlic and onion.
Make sure to do your research, as always. And, lastly, make sure that you have fun in your green garden!


Ease Off the Gas!

So, of course we already know that gas ain't cheap these days. The hey day of gas being $25 a gallon is long over. But, we shouldn't only be concerned about gas consumption because of the damage it does to our wallets. We need to be concerned about our consumption of a nonrenewable fuel and the damage done to earth. We're talking about all of the damage from the drilling, exhaust from cars, the emissions...it has been reeking havoc on our planet and contributing to global warming. When it comes to gas consumption and living more green, we can drive less, get a smaller, more fuel-efficient car or get a hybrid car, and take public transportation. Check out this MSNBC article that discusses how we can break our "gas addictions."


Green Living Books

The Chicago Tribune has a list of books and websites recommended for the environmentally conscious. Check 'em out. There are selections for the tykes, as well as adults. Choosing to live green is a conscious decision that requires a lot of research. Too many people are just not aware of the harm they do to the environment. Take the time to educate yourself more on how you can help the earth and make green living work ('cuz it does).Publish Post


Green Living is Hot!

That's right--green living is hot stuff, and it it is here to stay...it needs to be. More and more Americans and people around the world are embracing green lifestyles. It's not just for the tree-huggers and hippies anymore. The earth is in crisis, and well play a part in helping to prevent an ecological catastrophe. Check out this MSNBC article which gives an interesting history on how we first started paying attention to environmental issues to getting where we are now with soccer moms trading in their gas guzzling SUVs for hybrids. The article states that in 2006 the number of Americans who worried about the environment "a great deal" or "a fair amount" increased to 77 percent from 62 percent in 2004. That's quite an increase for such a short period of time. So, you see, you are not alone...let's live green together!


Green Living Works!

Welcome to Green Living Works! This site will be devoted to sharing information on green living and the environment. We all have a HUGE responsibility in caring for God's Green Earth, and it is essential, in the face of global warming, that we commit to making changes in our everyday lives that can improve life for the future generations.
Green Living Works! will share tips on living a green, environmentally friendly lifestyle. There are plenty of things that each of us can do to minimize our carbon footprint and other negative effects on the environment. Please join us in this Green movement to help save and sustain the Earth.
Godspeed Comrades...let's live Green!