Say No to Plastic Bottles!
Sure, you've always thought that plastic bottles were a good choice. They can be recycled after all. But, sadly a whopping 8 out of 10 bottles are never recycled. And, you don't even want to take in all of the fossil fuels which are burned transporting bottles. This is a major reason why environmentalists are campaigning against the use of single-use plastic water bottles. Each year more than 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to create water bottles in the United States. That's a lot...enough energy to fuel 100,000 cars!The mayor of San Francisco banned disposable water bottles in municipal offices last month. Nalgene, a company that makes reusable polycarbonate bottles, started a campaign called "Refill Not Landfill," trying to convince people to go without water bottles. You don't have to give up bottles completely, however. A green friendly solution to the plastic bottle is to purchase a reusable bottle and refill with tap water (get a filter!).
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